It can be really annoying when you spend a huge amount to buy a car and after a while, it starts to consume a lot of oil. So, either to start to regret your decision of buying that car or start pondering on buying a different car! However, before you start thinking either of these. You must know that there are many ways to reduce your fuel consumption, even if your daily ride has been in the driveway for a few years.
These easy tips and tricks are genuinely worth it! Give them a shot!
These 4 ways are can be used to increase your vehicle’s fuel efficiency and get better gas mileage:
1. Regular Maintenance
This is the holy grail each car owner must abide by. Regular maintenance can save you from a lot of troubles in future. Regular oil changes and tune-ups will help you to keep your car running with its peak performance.
2. Tyre Pressure
You must get the pressure of your tyres checked at least once a month. Sounds weird? It’s not. Under-inflated tyres burn more fuel. This is because when the tyre is under-inflated, the rolling resistance of the tyres increases manifolds. Thus, adding more to pressure the engine.
3. Gear Shifts
Higher the RPMs lower fuel efficiency. Not shifting the gears as per the speed of the car would definitely affect the fuel consumption of the car. If your car has a standard transmission, then you must up-shift the gears earlier to ensure that the fuel consumption is reduced significantly. The right RPMs vary on the basis of car, brand and model. So, you must read the manual to learn when to shift to the next gear.
4. Cruise Control
If your car has an option wherein you can use switch between different types of cruise controls, put it to use whenever appropriate. This can help you save a lot of fuel, especially on different terrains.