How Risky is Remote Car buying?


Here are some of the major problems and risks that you are definite to get. Though it is not every time that the dealer will be a con man but most of the times the result seems to be this way when you are buying a car remotely: Unexpected: It is easy for dealerships to […]

Some of the best tips to prevent rust formation on car


The weather outside is the main reason to cause rust in the car. Thus, you need to keep the car in a healthy position all the time so that there is no damage to the parts and performance.  Here are some of the ways to prevent your car from rusting: Wash and Wax After Every […]

Important tips to drive safely in the rain


There are certain ways to avoid the misshapen on roads due to rains. The best out of all of those is to avoid driving in the rain. Though it sounds too intellectual, it is obvious.  On a serious note here are some of the tips for driving in wet weather that will help you to […]

Best tips to reduce the car insurance rates


Car Insurance rates are really something we put our mind into. And the funnier thing is that it is proportional to various factors indeed. For example, if you drive carefully and avoid bad roads you can get a better sum for the Car insurance. You didn’t know that? I told you, it is directly proportional. […]

Do Car Colour matters for Resale Value?


How a car’s colours affect the resale value in used cars? The answer is: Colour matters, period. The colour of your new car not only affects the cost of ownership but also the resale value of the vehicle. This is due to many reasons, including the ever-changing colour preferences of the car buying lot. Moreover, […]

Buying New Cars in UAE Becomes Easy with Amazing Price Drops.


The fall of 2020 is just around the corner and you want to secure the best deals out there. The prices are dropping like crazy. You really want to take full use of the opportunity here, and make it your own perfect time to buy a car. What is causing the price drop? Recently it […]

Is Pandemic Lockdown a good time to buy a used car or a new car?


With the pandemic testing the restrictions of the unusual and arriving at unsurpassed highs every day, it is safe to state that living with Covid is the new ordinary. That is, changing your schedules to join all the progressions the pandemic carries with itself, being careful about open places and transport, and obviously, never under […]

How to jump-start a car safely and correctly?


Most car owners will be faced with a dead battery at some point. Fortunately, if there’s another functional car nearby, or if you have a manual transmission, you can jump start the car and be on the road again soon. Jump-starting a car is a breeze, but you should do it with caution. To safely […]

What do varying colors of smoke tell you about your vehicle?

Exorbitant measures of emissions that show up in any sort of colour will demonstrate that there’s an issue with the engine likely because of a fluid that is spilling inside the engine. Depending upon the colours of the smoke you can frequently figure out what kind of issue is occurring. These are the three most […]

What are the advantages/disadvantages of owning an electric car?

Nowadays the world is stepping forward on solutions to global warming and everyone is looking for options on reducing carbon emission. As we all know we are having limited sources of fuel which will not be lasting long for us in the future as it gets limited our economy will also be affected by it, […]

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